It's been a long time & I have some news
Been working hard to create some useful content for the community!
Hey, long time no read, right?!
Sorry for the lack of communication. I hope you’ve been able to catch up with some of the initiatives I've been working on.
Otherwise, you’re in luck, because for the past 5 months I’ve been a bit busy!
Let me tell you about what I’ve been doing.
I launched a new course!
Yes, one of the reasons why I’ve been so busy, is because I worked with LinkedIn Learning on a second, more advanced, course about Redis.
I have launched a quite successful Redis course in the past that covered all the essentials. That course gave you all the details you needed to understand Redis and what you can do with it.
However, now with this one, I’m showing you how you can use Redis as a Vector database and use it to power some AI-related operations, such as image similarities or semantic search on a large corpus of text.
Does that sound interesting? Then check the course out! Already more than 1500 people have gone through it. It’s just 2 and a half hours long, and it covers three full projects with code included.
If you do check it out, I’d love to know what you think about it!
I’ve been working on my podcast
Another reason why I haven’t really been able to write here, is because I’ve been trying to grow my new podcast: The Scripting Den Podcast.
Since the last time I covered it here, I’ve been focusing on growing it on YouTube, publishing the podcast in video format and trying to include more interviews whenever I get a chance to find someone willing to jump on a call and spend some time with me! :)
If you’re not keeping up with it, I’d recommend subscribing to the channel because I’m publishing one episode every week.
Some of the most notable episodes since last time we talked, are:
Episode 19, where I talk about what it takes to build a successful dev team.
Episode 22, where I interviewed Santosh Yadav about his open-source journey. Absolute must-listen if you’re looking to get into open-source at some point.
Episode 27, where Tapas Adhikary joins me and talks about his journey from developer to company owner. Really cool story!
Episode 28, here I interviewed the amazing Bret Fisher about docker and devops in general. I got to learn a lot in this episode, and I highly recommend it if you’re interested in devops in general.
There are more episodes, so I highly recommend you check it out. If you have a topic you’d like me to cover, please, reach out and let me know!
I’ve reviewed another keyboard
As you may or may not know, I love keyboards! I’ve written a few articles about my journey into building my own keyboards, and now I’ve recently started reviewing commercial options.
The latest keyboard I reviewed is the Glove80, an absolutely incredible ergonomic, mechanical keyboard that for developers, has the potential to increase their performance while also taking care of their health.
You can watch the full review here:
If you’re like me and you also love keyboards, stay tuned, because I have another review coming up for a very interesting and innovative keyboard. I can’t say more than that!
And that’s it for now, I hope some of all the content I’ve been working on can help you in some way. And if there is a video, article, or even podcast topic/interview you’d like me to cover please, reach out and tell me about it, I’d love to give you exactly what you’re looking for!
That said, bye for now, and catch you around!